Create your own destiny

create your destiny के लिए इमेज परिणाम

Aabra ka dabra is a word which is most commonly used by magicians all around the world and everybody must have heard this word many times but nobody knows the meaning of this word. till today I also thought that it is a meaningless word but today I realized that anything which seems meaningless may have a great meaning hidden in it.

The world is full of secrets and it fills me with astonishment.there are many things in this world which when decoded may change your life forever.

the word abra ka dabra is originated from hebreu and it means"what I say I create".i got to know the meaning of this word in one of the TED Talks given by a famous magician

here comes the importance of words in our life. whatever we speak it starts converting into reality. your words may change your life.with the use of words you can make your life positive or negative, creative or destructive, motivating or demotivating and whatever you speak changes the atmosphere around you and your thoughts also.

forever if you go on speaking negative things about yourself you are creating a negative atmosphere around you and it starts happening around you.

If I have to participate in a competition and I go on speaking"I am not prepared, I cannot win, my competitor is too strong".So I have created my defeat myself and chances of my loosing become too strong.

So we should be very careful about the words we speak. We should always use positive, creative and motivating words because words create the world.whatever destruction and negative things have happened in this world are the result of negativity caused by the words spoken.

So if you want to create a successful healthy and prosperous life you should choose your words carefully.

And the word prosperity is combination of two words pro and spera which means towards hope.

So change the language you speak and change your life.

