This is a famous saying which tells us a lot about leadership in one line. The leader is one who not only motivates his/her followers but he/she has the ability to guide them on the path. All the famous leaders in this world had few common qualities which made them great. Below are some of those qualities which are essential for good leadership.
1. Positive attitude- A leader must be full of positivity. He should never think negative even in worst situations. If a leader himself is not confident then he will not be able to encourage others. A leader must have never say die attitude.
2.Communication- A leader must be able to communicate his/her thoughts effectively to the masses. He/She must be able to convince people towards his thoughts. A leader must have the ability to speak confidently. Without proper communication skills, it is not possible to work for a great vision.
3. Commitment- A leader should stand firm on his/her beliefs. He/she must have the will power and strength to make tough decisions and walk tirelessly towards the chosen path.
4. Honesty- People want their leaders to be trustworthy. If the leader is not honest then the followers will not have faith in him and soon they will reject him/her as the leader. So trust and faith are two essential things which make a good leader.
5. A sense of humor- Leader must never be deadly serious. If a leader wants to connect with people then he/she should develop a sense of humor.He/she must be a pleasant personality with whom people can be comfortable to talk with. He/She must be able to make his followers at ease with his wits and humor.
6. Ability to inspire- All great leaders in world history have been great motivators. Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Napoleon, Subhash Chandra Bose, Lenin, etc. were great motivators who inspired the people and revolutionized the world with there thoughts and deads.
7. Creativity- Leadership needs creativity. Ability to find new ways for the defined goals, take innovative steps and work on some noble ideas are qualities of creative people. So a leader must have the quality of creativity.
Besides these an ability to delegate, Confidence, Intuition, Empathy, Patience, Integrity, Humility is also desired to be an effective leader.
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